Zaar Taha's profile

MY TRIP TO EGYPT "Revolution 2011"

My Trip to Egypt
"Revolution 2011"
I hadn't been back to Egypt in 15 years, and suddenly, almost the minute I get there, a revolution erupts. It was the trip I never expected but wouldn't trade for the world. Go Egypt.
Contrary to popular opinion, this is how I watched most of the events unfold.
Unlike some people, police truck burning was not on my list of to-dos.
Well, to be fair, the police really had it coming.
Don't you just hate it when the machine eats your card?
And how annoying is it when they don't refill the deposit slips?
With most of the ATMs destroyed, people were more willing to pay that stupid fee.
With the police dismissed from their duties, the people take to the streets to protect against thieves and looters (many of which were undercover police and prisoners released under Mubarak's direct orders). Yes, that young man in front is carrying a rubber hose.
This handsome young gent saw me taking pictures with my Nikon Cool Pix down at the fish market and asked, "You with the tee vee?" I said, "Yes, may I take your picture?" He posed. And now he's going to be famous.
The guys in my neighborhood would stand watch every night carrying sticks, knives, guns. Some of them just stood there in sandals and chewed their fingernails.
Once in awhile, GI Joe would swing by and pick up thieves and looters. Wish they'd pick up the garbage instead.
There must've been a sale or something.
I could bore you with tank shots. So I will.
The secret to keeping your camera is to only take pictures while driving by at 50 mph.
Look, more tanks.
Barbed wire. Apparently the tank itself isn't enough to keep out the riff raff.
This vehicle is really good at slicing through enemy cheese.
My absolute favorite tank shot. The soldier with the paper is undoubtedly reading about what the army should do.
We couldn't avoid going to the bank. We were there from 9:30 am til 4 pm. We were #306. I don't ever want to hear anyone complain about the long line at the ATM.
People camping out in Tahrir Square. Egypt was pretty cold at night.
Makeshift medical stations set up in Tahrir Square. No medical insurance necessary.
This pretty 25 year old girl died when she fell off her balcony after her mother had locked her in her room for partaking in the protests.
A shrine for one of the martyrs in Tahrir Square, made up of the same stones used in the battle to secure it.
A commemoration of January 25th, Day of Rage.
The soldier walking away just finished telling us, "No pictures."
Blood-stained clothes of the martyrs.
And this is how the whole world thought Egypt looked like for 18 days.
If anyone wants to show their support for the new Egypt by buying a flag, I know a guy.
MY TRIP TO EGYPT "Revolution 2011"

MY TRIP TO EGYPT "Revolution 2011"

Just a series of photos from my trip to Egypt during the great revolution.
